Our therapists are highly skilled at connecting with this age group. Our therapists provide the child/ teen with a trusted friend, mentor, and sounding board to help them navigate their concerns. They get an opportunity to be fully heard as they navigate through their identified concerns. Children from as young as 3yrs can get the help and guidance they need.
We cover the following issues affecting children and teenagers. If your child/ teenager or you need help with an issue not listed below, don’t hesitate to call us on 0705 629474.
- Learning disabilities
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Drug, alcohol, and smoking abuse and addictions
- Depression; sadness; withdrawal
- Bipolar disorders
- Anxiety; fears
- Eating disorders; body image; weight management
- Self-injury
- Adoption
- Divorce; custody issues
- Remarriage; blended families
- Behavioral problems
- Defiance; oppositional behavior
- Bullying; aggression
- Self-esteem
- Social skills; communication
- Coping with emotions
- Drop in grades; school refusal
- Physical complaints despite normal checkups; changes in sleeping and eating
- Bed wetting
- Death; bereavement
- Sexual and physical abuse
- Relocation